Conference papers

1.    Paloniemi, S. & Collin, K. 2009. Moniammatillinen yhteistyö ja työssä oppiminen [Interprofessional collaboration and workplace learning] Paper presented in a national congress of. September 2009, Jyväskylä, Finland.
2.    Collin, K. & Paloniemi, S. 2009. Supporting experience sharing as participatory workplace practice.  Paper presented in an international EARLI conference. August 2009, the Netherlands, Amsterdam.
3.    Paloniemi, S. & Collin, K. 2009. Workplace learning and work-related identity construction in a clinical setting. Paper presented in 6th International Conference on Researching Work and Learning. 28.6.–1.7.2009, Denmark, Copenhagen.
4.    Collin, K., Paloniemi, S., Sintonen, T. & Auvinen, T. 2009. Discoursive power and workplace learning – manifestations in a surgical environment. Paper presented in an International Conference on Organizational Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities (OLKC). 26–28 April, the Netherlands, Amsterdam.
5.    Collin, K., Paloniemi, S. & Ruoranen, M. 2008. Collective ethnography in surgical environment – experiences and practices in the field. Paper presented in the ECER 2008 conference. 12th September, Sweden, Gothenburg.
6.    Collin, K., Paloniemi, S. & Ruoranen, M. 2008. SURGSKILLS – Surgical learning and workplace guidance. Poster presented in the ECER 2008 conference. September 10–12, Sweden, Gothenburg.
7.    Collin, K. & Paloniemi, S. 2008. Manifesting interprofessional team work and learning – the case of surgical operating theatre. Paper presented in a symposium in the 4th EARLI SIG 14 Learning and Professional Development Conference. 28th August, Finland, Jyväskylä.
8.    Collin, K., Paloniemi, S. & Ruoranen, M. 2008. SURGSKILLS – Surgical learning and workplace guidance. Poster presented in the 4th EARLI SIG 14 Learning and Professional Development Conference. 27th August, Finland, Jyväskylä.
9.    Collin, K., Paloniemi, S. & Ruoranen, M. 2008. SURGSKILLS – Surgical learning and workplace guidance. Poster presented in Aikuiskasvatuksen tutkijatapaaminen. February 14–15, Finland, Rovaniemi.
10.    Paloniemi, S. 2007. Cultural Narratives of Ageing and Work Identities of Nurses. Paper presented in 5th International Conference on Researching Work and Learning. 2nd December, Cape Town, South Africa.
11.    Collin, K., Paloniemi, S., Virtanen, A. & Eteläpelto, A. 2007. Constraints and challenges on learning and construction of identities at work. Paper presented in an invited symposium in 12th Biennial Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). August 30, 2007, Budapest, Hungary.
12.    Collin, K. & Paloniemi, S. 2006. Sharing experience at the workplace – Challenges for organising learning at work. Paper presented in a symposium in EARLI SIG Professional Learning and Development Conference. 11–13 October, Heerlen, Netherlands.
13.    Paloniemi, S. 2006. Educational gerontology in the context of lifelong learning – perspectives from Finland. Paper presented in a symposium in 18th Nordic Congress of Gerontology. 28–31 May, Jyväskylä, Finland.
14.    Paloniemi, S. 2006. Employees’ age-conceptions and competence development in working life. Paper presented in 18th Nordic Congress of Gerontology. 28–31 May, Jyväskylä, Finland.
15.    Paloniemi, S. 2006. The Meaning of Age and Experience in Professional Competence – Employees’ Conceptions. Paper presented in 7th International Conference on HRD Research and Practice across Europe. 22–24 May, Tilburg, Netherlands.
16.    Paloniemi, S. 2006. Työntekijöiden kokemukselle antamat merkitykset ammatillisessa osaamisessa ja sen kehittämisessä. [Meaning of experience in professional competence and its development] Aikuiskasvatuksen tutkijatapaaminen. 9.2.2006, Hämeenlinna, Finland.
17.    Paloniemi, S. 2005. The Meaning of Experience in Job-Competence - Employees' Perceptions. Paper presented at the 4th International conference on Researching Work and Learning. 11–14 December, Sydney, Australia.
18.    Paloniemi, S. & Tikkanen T. 2005. Workplace learning among older workers. Did the 1990s make a difference? Paper presented at the 4th International conference on Researching Work and Learning. 11–14 December, Sydney, Australia.
19.    Ursin, J. & Paloniemi, S. 2005. Opettajuuden muotokuvat. [Portraits of teachers] Kasvatustieteen päivät. 17.–18.11.2005, Jyväskylä, Finland.
20.    Paloniemi, S. & Ursin, J. 2005. Opettajana yliopistossa – yksin vai yhdessä? [Teaching at the University – Working Alone or in a Group?] Paper presented in 11th National Symposium of Higher Education Research. 5–6 September, Jyväskylä, Finland.
21.    Tikkanen, T. & Paloniemi, S. 2005. Participation in work-related adult education among older workers in 1990 and 2000: Widening participation and national interventions on working life development. Paper presented in The Nordic Conference on Adult Education. 13–14 May, Turku, Finland.
22.    Paloniemi, S. 2004. The Aged and the Experienced? Employees’ Age-Conceptions and the Meaning of Experience in Professional Competence. Paper presented in ECER 2004. 22–25 September, Rethymnon, Crete.
23.    Ursin, J. & Paloniemi, S. 2004. Competence of University Tearchers – Comparison Between University Department and Open University. Paper presented in ECER 2004. 22–25 September, Rethymnon, Crete.
24.    Ursin, J. & Paloniemi, S. 2004. Opettajana yliopistossa – osaamisen haasteet ainelaitoksella ja avoimessa yliopistossa. [Teaching at the university – challenges for competence] Aikuiskasvatuksen tutkijatapaaminen. 13.2.2004. Jyväskylä, Finland.
25.    Paloniemi, S. 2003. The Meaning of Age in Competence Development – Employees’ Conceptions. Paper presented in 3rd International Conference on Researching Work and Learning. 25–27 July, Tampere, Finland.
26.    Paloniemi, S. 2002. Employees conceptualising their job competence and ageing. Poster presentation in Aktiivinen ja elämään suuntautuva -foorumi, 11–12 February, Jyväskylä, Finland.
27.    Paloniemi, S. 2001. Employees conceptualising their job competence and ageing. Poster presentation in Nordic Ergonomics society 33rd Annual Congress. September, Tampere, Finland.
28.    Paloniemi, S. & Tikkanen, T. 2000. Victims of ageist attitudes – But how do the older workers themselves view their competence? Paper presented in ESREA research network meeting Adult Education and the Labour Market VI. 19–22 October, Seville, Spain.
29.    Tikkanen, T. & Kujala, (present Paloniemi) S. 2000. Older workers and training in SMEs.  Paper presented in 11th Nordic conference on adult education. 25–27 May, Gothenburg, Sweden.
30.    Kujala, (present Paloniemi) S. 2000. Vanhempien työntekijöiden koulutettavuus ja oppiminen. [Older workers’ trainability and learning] Paper presented in 11th Nordic conference on adult education. 25–27 May, Gothenburg, Sweden.
31.    Kujala, (present Paloniemi) S. 1998. Attitudes towards older workers and their learning. Paper presented in the ESREA research seminar on Older Learners. 2–4 July, Budapest, Hungary.
32.    Kujala, (present Paloniemi) S. 1997. Advocacy and older people – situation in Finland. Paper presented in the First European Conference on Advocacy and Older People. 23–24 October, Dublin, Ireland.