Professor Sakari Taipale

Professor of Social and Public Policy, University of Jyväskylä




Research Networks
Department of Social Sciences and Philosophy
Keskussairaalantie 2
Opinkivi Room 239.1
P.O. Box 35
40014 University of Jyväskylä, Finland
Mobile (work) +358 40 0728 852

Research projects

  • 2021-2027 Aging in Data (AiD), Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), Canada - Co-investigator.
  • 2019-2025 Towards socially inclusive digital society: transforming service culture (Consortium: DigiIn) (link to project description) (EUR 439 199)
  • 2018-2025 Centre of Excellence in Research on Ageing and Care. Research Group 4: New technologies, ageing and care - Research Group Leader (WEBSITE
  • 2013-2018 Intergenerational Relations in Broadband Societies (iGRIB) (Academy Research Fellow project, Academy of Finland) - Project leader (link to project description) (EUR 425 005) (WEBSITE)
  • 2011-2013 Geographical and Social Location in the Everyday Use of ICTs (Postdoctoral project, Academy of Finland) - Project leader (link to project description) (EUR 274 812) (WEBSITE)
  • 2006-2009 Quality of Life in a Changing Europe (6th Framework Programme), Full-time researcher,
  • 2003-2009 Transformative Technologies, Spatial Changes (several funding sources), PhD candidate


Research Networks
  • ISCH COST Action IS1311 Intergenerational Family Solidarity across Europe (INTERFASOL) (website)
  • COST Action FP1104 "New possibilities and innovation for print media and packaging, by combining print with digital", Participant in Working Group 1: "Customers and users – Effect of the changing media use habits on traditional media"  Mobile Media and Communication Network (website) 2012-2014
  • Mobile Media and Communication Network


Publications (download a full list of publication)

Peer-reviewed scientific articles and book chapters 

  1. Toivanen, I,  Lampi., A., Sihto T., Oinas, T & Taipale, S. (hyväksytty) Vanhustyöntekijöiden teknologiaan liittämät tunteet – avovastausten analysoiminen tekoälypohjaisen klusteroinnin keinoin. Sosiaalilääketieteellinen aikakauslehti. 
  2. Kokko, K., Fadjukoff, P., Reinilä, E, Ahola, J., Kinnunen, M.-L., Kroger, J., Laakkonen, E. K., Pitkänen, T.,  Pulkkinen, L., Rantanen, T., Staudinger, U. M., Taipale, S., Törmäkangas, T., Kekäläinen, T., & Saajanaho, M. (2024) - Developmental Perspectives on Transitions at Age 60: Individuals Navigating Across the Lifespan (TRAILS)—Latest Data Collection in a Longitudinal JYLS Study.Longitudinal and Life Course Studies.
  3. Rosenberg, D., & Taipale, S. (2023) COVID-19 information source and behavior preference in later life: The role of health satisfaction, socio-demographic background, and country of residence. Universal Access in the Information Society. 
  4. Taipale, S., Oinas, T., Ivan, L., & Rosenberg, D. (2023) Mobile phone use before and during the COVID-19 pandemic – a panel study of older adults in seven countries. Mobile Media & Communication
  5. Rosenberg, D. & Taipale, S. (2022) Social and satisfied? Social uses of mobile phone and subjective wellbeing in later life. Human Technology, 18(1), 45-65.
  6. Toivanen, I., Lindroos, J.,  Räsänen, V. & Taipale,S. (2002) Dealing with a small amount of data – developing Finnish sentiment analysis,"  9th International Conference on Behavioural and Social Computing (BESC), Matsuyama, Japan, 2022, pp. 1-7, doi: 10.1109/BESC57393.2022.9995536.
  7. Kuoppamäki, S., Hänninen, R. & Taipale, S. (2022) Enhancing Older Adults’ Digital Inclusion Through Social Support: A Qualitative Interview Study. In Tsatsou, P. (ed) Vulnerable People and Digital Inclusion (pp. 221-230). Theoretical and Applied Perspective. Palgrave Macmillan: Cham.
  8. Kouvonen, A. Kemppainen, T., Taipale, S., Olankivi, A., Sirpa, W. & Kemppainen, L. (2022) Health and self-perceived barriers to internet use among older migrants: a population-based study. BMC Public Health, 22(1):574.
  9. Heponiemi, T., Kaihlanen, A.-M., Kouvonen, A., Leemann, L., Taipale, S. & Gluschkoff, K. (2022) The role of age and digital competence on the use of online health and social care services: A cross-sectional population-based survey. Digital Health 8(1), 1-10,.
  10. Turja, T., Taipale, S., Niemelä, M. & Oinas, T. (2022). Positive Turn in Elder-Care Workers’ Views toward Telecare Robots", International Journal of Social Robotics, 14, 931–944
  11. Hirvonen, H., Tammelin, M., Hämäläinen, A. & Taipale, S. (2021) Group-based instant messaging in Finnish residential elder care work: taming the technology or vice versa? New Technology, Work and Employment 37(2), 231–249.
  12. Rantala, E., Taipale, S., Oinas, T., & Karhinen, J. (2022). Digital skills and application use among Finnish home care workers in the eldercare sector. In H. Hirvonen, M. Tammelin, R. Hänninen, & E. J. Wouters (Eds.), Digital Transformations in Care for Older People : Critical perspective (pp. 166-186). Routledge. Routledge Studies in the Sociology of Health and Illness.
  13. Taipale, S., Oinas, T., & Karhinen, J. (2021) Heterogeneity of traditional and digital media use among older adults : A six-country comparison. Technology in Society66, Article 101642.
  14. Oinas, T., Karhinen, J., Hirvonen, H., Tammelin, M., Hämäläinen, A. & Taipale, S. (2021) Teknologisten laitteiden ja sovellusten käyttö vanhustyössä: työn piirteiden ja yksilötekijöiden vaikutusten tarkastelua. Yhteiskuntapolitiikka 82(2), 166-179.
  15. Hänninen, R., Pajula, L., Korpela, V., & Taipale, S. (2021). Individual and shared digital repertoires : older adults managing digital services. Information Communication and SocietyEarly online, 1-16.
  16. Hänninen, R., Taipale, S. &  Luostari, R. (2021) Exploring heterogeneous ICT use among older adults – The warm experts’ perspective. New Media and Society,  23(6) 1584–1601.
  17. Hänninen, R., Taipale, S., & Korhonen, A. (2021). Refamilisation in the Broadband Society: The Effects of ICTs on Family Solidarity in Finland. Journal of Family Studies, 27(2), 161-177.
  18. Turja, T., Aaltonen, A. Taipale, S. & Oksanen, A (2020).Robot acceptance model for care (RAM-care): A principled approach to the intention to use care robots. Information & Management, 57(5) , 103220.
  19. Turja,T., Taipale, S., Kaakinen, M. & Oksanen, A. (2020) Care workers' readiness for robotization: Identifying psychological and socio-demographic determinants. International Journal of Social Robotics, 12, 79–90.
  20. Taipale, S., Turja, T. & Van Aerschot, L. (2020) Robotization of mobile communication. In Ling, R., Goggin, G., Fortunati, L., Lim, S.S. & Li, Y. (eds.) Oxford Handbook of Mobile Communication, Culture, and Information. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  21. Fortunati, L., Taipale, S. & de Luca, F. (2019) Digital generations, but not as we know them. Convergence, 25(1), 95-112.
  22. Taipale, S. & Farinosi, M. (2018). The Big Meaning of Small Messages: The Use of WhatsApp in Intergenerational Family Communication. In J. Zhou and G. Salvendy (Eds.): Human Aspects of IT for the Aged Population 2018, Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Cham: Springer, 532–546.
  23. Taipale, S. & Fortunati, L. (2018) Communicating with Machines: Robots as the next new media. In Guzman, A. L. (ed.) Communicating with Machines: Past and Future. Berlin: Peter Lang.
  24. Farinosi, M. & Taipale, S. (2018) Who Can See My Stuff? Online Self-Disclosure and Gender Differences on Facebook. Observatorio (OBS*) 12(1), 53-71. 
  25. Petrovčič, A., Taipale, S., Rogelj, A., & Dolničar, V. (2018) Design of mobile phones for older adults: An empirical analysis of design guidelines and checklists for feature phones and smartphones. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction 34(2), 251-264 
  26. Omokaro Ideho, B. & Taipale, S. (2018) Into the World of E-waste: Mobility among E-scrappers in Nigeria. Applied Mobilities, 3(2), 133-149.
  27. Kuoppamäki, S-M., Wilska, T-A. & Taipale, S. (2017). Ageing and consumption in Finland: the effect of age and life course stage on ecological, economical and self-indulgent consumption among late middle-agers and young adults between 1999 and 2014. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 41(5), 457-464.
  28. Taipale, S., Petrovčič, A., &  Dolničar, V. (2018) Intergenerational solidarity and ICT usage: Empirical insights from Finnish and Slovenian families In: Taipale, S., Wilska, T.-A. and Gilleard, C. (eds.) Digital technologies and generational identity: ICT usage across the life course. London: Routledge
  29. Fortunati L. & Taipale, S. (2017) A different Glimpse Into Mobilities: On the Interrelations Between Geographical and Social Mobility. The Information Society, 33(5), 261-270 
  30. Kuoppamäki, S.-M., Taipale, S. & Wilska, T.-A.(2017) The use of mobile technology for online shopping and entertainment among older adults in Finland. Telematics and Informatics, 34(4), 110–117
  31. O’Sullivan, J., Fortunati, L., Taipale, S. & Barnhurst, K. (2017) Innovators and innovated: newspapers and the post-digital future beyond the “death of print". The Information Society, 33(2), 86–95
  32. Fortunati, L. & Taipale, S. (2017) Mobilities and the Network of Personal Technologies: Refining the Understanding of Mobility Structure. Telematics and Informatics, 34(2) 560–568. 
  33. Fortunati, L., & Taipale, S. (2017). Mobile Communication : Media Effects. In P. Rössler, C. A. Hoffner, & L. van Zoonen (Eds.), International Encyclopedia of Media Effects (pp. 1241-1252). John Wiley & Sons.
  34. Taipale, S. (2016) Do the mobile-rich get richer? Internet use, travelling, and social differentiations in Finland. New Media and Society. 18 (1), 44-61 (
  35. Taipale, S. (2016) Synchronicity matters: defining the characteristics of digital generations, Information, Communication & Society, 19(1), 80-94. 
  36. Tanskanen, J., Taipale, S. & Anttila, T. (2016) Revealing hidden curvilinear relations between work engagement and its predictors: Demonstrating the added value of generalized additive model (GAM).Journal of Happiness Studies, 17(1), 367-387
  37. Fortunati, L. , Taipale, S. & Farinosi, M. (2015) Print and online newspapers as material artefacts. Journalism: Theory, practice and criticism, 16(6) 830 –846.
  38. Taipale, S. (2015) Bodily Dimensions of Reading and Writing Practices on Paper and Digitally. Telematics and Informatics 32(4), 766-755.
  39. Taipale, S, Vincent, J., Fortunati, L., Sapio, B. & Lugano, G. (2015) Situating the human in social robots. In Vincent, J., Taipale, S, Sapio, B., Fortunati, L, & Lugano, G. (eds.) Social Robots from a Human Perspective. London: Springer.
  40. Taipale, S, de Luca, F., Sarrica, M. & Fortunati, L. (2015) Robot shift from industrial production to social reproduction. In Vincent, J., Taipale, S, Sapio, B., Fortunati, L, & Lugano, G. (eds.) Social Robots from a Human Perspective. London: Springer, 11-24 
  41. Taipale, S. (2014) ICT mobility research in Finland: From immaterial consumption to material sustainability? In Shelton K., Mom G., Singh D. Z. & Katz, C. (eds.) Mobility in History: The Yearbook of the International Association for the History of Transport, Traffic and Mobility 6(1), 89-96. 
  42. Fortunati, L. & Taipale, S. (2014) The advanced use of mobile phones in five European countries. British Journal of Sociology 65(2), 317-337.
  43. Taipale, S., Oinas, T. & Salminen, V.-M. (2014) Internet Use and Informal Help for Surrounding Communities in Finland. In Denison T. Sarrica M.  Stillman L. (eds.) Theories, practices and examples for community and social informatics. Melbourne: Monash University Publishing, 1-18.
  44. Taipale, S. (2014) The Affordances of Reading/Writing on Paper and Digitally in Finland. Telematics and Informatics, 32(4), 532-542,
  45. Taipale, S. & Fortunati, L. (2014) Capturing Methodological Trends in Mobile Communication Studies. Information, Communication and Society 17(5), 627-642, (preprint)
  46. Fortunati, L. & Taipale, S. (2013) The diffusion and use of information and communication technologies and the city from 1996 to 2009. First Monday, 11(4),
  47. Taipale, S. (2014) The dimensions of mobilities: The spatial relationships between corporeal and digital mobilities. Social Science Research 43C, 157-167,
  48. Saari, J. & Taipale, S. (2013). Sosiaalipolitiikka ja hyvinvointivaltio. Teoksessa  J. Saari, S. Taipale, & S. Kainulainen (toim.), Hyvinvointivaltion moderneja klassikoita (s. 17-40). Diakonia-ammattikorkeakoulun julkaisuja. A Tutkimuksia (38). Diakonia-ammattikorkeakoulu.
  49. Taipale, S. (2013). Informaatioaika – Manuel Castells ja verkostoituva hyvinvointivaltio. Teoksessa J. Saari, S. Taipale, & S. Kainulainen (toim.), Hyvinvointivaltion moderneja klassikoita (s. 173-197). Diakonia-ammattikorkeakoulun julkaisuja. A Tutkimuksia (38). Helsinki, Finland: Diakonia-ammattikorkeakoulu.
  50. Fortunati, L., Taipale, S. & de Luca, F. (2013) What happened to body-to-body sociability? Social Science Research, 42(3), 893–905. (preprint)
  51. Taipale, S. (2013) The Relationship between Internet Use, Online and Printed Newspaper Reading in Finland: Investigating the Direct and Moderating Effects of Gender, European Journal of Communication 28(1), 5-18, (preprint)
  52. Taipale, S. (2013) The use of e-government Services and the Internet: the Role of Socio-demographic, Economic and Geographical Predictors, Telecommunications Policy, 37(4-5), 413-422. (preprint)
  53. Taipale, S. (2013) Mobilities in Finland’s Information Society Strategies from 1995 to 2010, Mobilities, 8(2), 293-311. (preprint)
  54. Fortunati, L. & Taipale, S. (2012) Women’s Emotions Towards the Mobile Phone, Feminist Media Studies, 12(4), 538-549, (preprint)
  55. Fortunati, L. & Taipale, S. (2012) Adoption of new froms of television and emotion in five European countries. In Abruzzese et al. (eds.) The New Television Ecosystem. Peter Lang: Frankfurt am Main, pp. 21-40.
  56. Taipale, S. (2012) Mobility of Cultures and Knowledge Management in Contemporary Europe, The European Review, 20(2), 173-181. (preprint)
  57. Fortunati, L. & Taipale, S. (2012) Organization of the Social Sphere and Typology of the Residential Setting in Europe: How Sociability Affects the Adoption of the Mobile Phone in Rural and Urban Locations, Technology in Society, 34(1), 33-43. (preprint)
  58. Taipale, S., Selander, K., Anttila, T. & Nätti, J. (2011) Work Engagement in Eight European Countries: The Role of Job Demands, Autonomy, and Social Support. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 31 (7/8), 486–504.
  59. Taipale, S. (2009) Recognizing Human Culture on the Internet. The Nordic Journal of Cultural Policy, 12 (1), 73–88.
  60. Taipale, S. (2009) Does Location Matter? A Comparative Study on Mobile Phone Use among Young People in Finland. The Journal of New Media & Culture, 6 (1). (open access)
  61. Puupponen, A. & Taipale, S. (2008) Lähiruokatuotannon verkostot: sosiaalisten siteiden ja etäisyyksien tarkastelua Keski-Suomessa. Maaseudun uusi aika, 16(1) 21–34. 

    Non-refereed scientific articles 
  62. Pyykönen, A.-M., & Taipale, S. (2022). Sosiaalihuollon asiakasturvallisuus ja sähköinen asiointi. Janus, 30(4), 415–422.
  63. Hänninen, R., Korpela, V., Pajula, L. & Taipale, S. (2022) Läheisasiantuntijat ikäihmisten tukena digiyhteiskunassa. Teoksessa  K. Korjonen-Kuusipuro, P. Rasi-Heikkinen, H. Vuojärvi ja K. Pihlainen (toim.) Ikääntyvät digiyhteiskunnassa: elinikäisen oppimisen mahdollisuudet. Gaudeamus, Helsinki, 124-140.
  64. Toivanen, I., Räsänen, V., Lindroos, J., Oinas, T., & Taipale, S. (2022) Implementing sentiment analysis to an open-ended questionnaire: Case study of digitalization in elderly care during COVID-19. Paper presented at the 4th International Conference on Advanced Research Methods and Analyti,cs (CARMA 2022), Universitat Politècnica de València (Spain), 29-30 June 2022
  65. Hänninen, R., Karhinen, J., Korpela, V., Pajula L., Pihlajamaa, O., Merisalo, M., Kuusisto, O., Taipale, S., Kääriäinen, J., & Wilska, T.-A., (2022). Teoksessa Kuusisto et al. (toim.) Digiosallisuus Suomessa: Digiosallisuus Suomessa -hankkeen loppuraportti (Digital Inclusiveness in Finland The final report on the Digital Inclusiveness in Finland project) Prime Minister’s Office: Helsinki, s 17-22.

  66. Hänninen et al. (2021) Digiosallisuuden käsite ja keskeiset osa-alueet : Digiosallisuus Suomessa -hankkeen väliraportti (The concept of digital inclusiveness and its key elements - an interim report on the Digital Inclusiveness in Finland project) Prime Minister’s Office: Helsinki

  67. Karhinen, J., Oinas, T., Tammelin, M., Hämäläinen, A., Hirvonen, H., Mustola, V., Rantala, E., Taipale, S. (2021). Vanhustyö ja teknologia : Jyväskylän yliopiston vanhustyön kyselytutkimus 2021 : katsaus tutkimusaineistoon. Jyväskylän yliopisto. URN: URN:NBN:fi:jyu-202111225753
  68. Rasi, P. & Taipale, S. (2020) Tuki, ohjaus ja koulutus – ikääntyneet digitalisoituvassa mediayhteiskunnassa. Gerontologia 34(4), 328-332,
  69. Oinas, T., Karhinen, J., Tammelin, M., Hirvonen, H., Hämäläinen, A., & Taipale, S. (2021). Teknologisten laitteiden ja sovellusten käyttö vanhustyössä : työn piirteiden ja yksilötekijöiden vaikutusten tarkastelua. Yhteiskuntapolitiikka, 86(2), 166-179. 
  70. Karhinen, J., Taipale, S., Tammelin, M., Hämäläinen, A., Hirvonen, H. & Oinas, T. 2019. Eldercare work and technology. 2019 University of Jyväskylä survey study on eldercare work : Overview of survey data.
  71. Taipale, S. & Hänninen, R. (2018) More years, more technologies : aging in the digital era. Human Technology, 14(3), 258-263,
  72. Kuoppamäki, S. ja Taipale, S. (2017) Varttuneet kuluttajat, digitalisoituva arki ja kulutusympäristöjen muutos : digi 50+ -hankkeen loppuraportti. Teoksessa  Wilska, T.-A. and Kuoppamäki, S. (toim.) Varttuneet kuluttajat, digitalisoituva arki, ja kulutusympäristöjen muutos. 209/2017 Kauppakorkeakoulun julkaisusarja. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän yliopisto. s. 40-59
  73. Taipale, S., Wilska, T.-A. and Gilleard, C. (2018) Introduction. In: Taipale, S., Wilska, T.-A. and Gilleard, C. (eds.) Digital technologies and generational identity: ICT usage across the life course. London: Routledge.
  74. Gilleard, C., Wilska, T.-A. and Taipale, S., (2018) Conclusions. In: Taipale, S., Wilska, T.-A. and Gilleard, C. (eds.) Digital technologies and generational identity: ICT usage across the life course. London: Routledge.
  75. Taipale, S. (2017) Book review: Public Acess ICT Across Cultures: Diversifying Participation in the Networked Society Human Technology., 13(1), 142-144.   
  76. Taipale, S. (2016) Book review: Mobile communication and the family: Asian experiences in technology domestication, Asian Journal of Communication.
  77.  Taipale, S. (2014) Book review of "Theorizing Cultural Work: Labour, continuity, and change in the cultural and creative industries", edited by Mark Banks, Rosalind Gill and Stephanie Taylor. The International Journal of Cultural Policy. (online first.
  78. Taipale, S. (2013) Book review of “New Connectivities in China: Virtual, Actual and Local Interactions” edited by Pui-lam Law. International Journal of Communication.
  79. Taipale, S. (2012) Book review of “The Politics of Proximity: Mobility and Immobility in Practice” edited by Giuseppina Pellegrino. Journal of Urban Technology 19(1), 107-110,
  80. Järvelä, M. , Hanhimäki, J., Kivisto, P. & Taipale, S. (2012) Research Programme on Power and Society in Finland (VALTA) 2007–2010. Evaluation Report Publications of the Academy of Finland, 2/12. Helsinki: the Academy of Finland.
  81. Taipale, S. (2011) Book review of "Experiencing Broadband Society" edited by Gerbhardt et al., Information, Communication & Society, 14(7), 1080-1082.
  82. Taipale, S. (2011) Book review of "Interacting with Broadband Society" edited by Fortunati et al., Global Media and Communication, 7(2), 164-166.
  83. Taipale, S., Beham, B. & Nätti, J. (2011) The Social Quality Instrument: Measuring the Social Quality of Work in European Workplaces. In T. Van Der Lippe et al (Eds.) Quality of Life and Work in Europe: Theory, Practice and Policy. London: Palgrave.
  84. Taipale, S (2010) Book review of “Electronic Emotion: The Mediation of Emotion via Information and Communication Technologies” edited by Jane Vincent and Leopoldina Fortunati, New Media & Society, 12 (4), 685-687.
  85. Taipale, S. (2010) Book review of "The Global Social Policy Reader" edited by N. Yeates & C. Holden. Social Policy and Administration, 43 (3), 350-352.
  86. Taipale, S. (2008) Finland: Report on Emerging Themes from the Interviews. Utrecht University. Quality Deliverables, D. 4.1.
  87. Taipale, S., Anttila, T. & Nätti, J. (2008) Organisational Culture and Work-Life Balance in Eight European Countries. Sociological Problems, Quarterly Journal of the Institute of Sociology, 40, 97-112.
  88. Taipale, S. (2008) Matkapuhelin, digitaaliset sisällöt ja hyvinvointi tietoyhteiskunnassa. Teoksessa V. Eloranta (toim.), Silmät auki! Tietoyhteiskunnan uhat ja mahdollisuudet. Helsinki: Tulevaisuusvaliokunta, 20–31.
  89. Taipale, S. (2008) Book Review of “New Tech, New Ties: How Mobile Communication is Reshaping Social Cohesion” by Richard Ling. Sociological Research Online, 13 (5).
  90. Taipale, S. (2008) Book review of “Generation Digital: Politics, Commerce, and Childhood in the Age of the Internet” by K. C. Montgomery. International Journal of Communication, (2/2008), 285-288.
  91. Taipale, S., Anttila, T. & Nätti, J. (2008) National Report Finland: Job Demands, Autonomy and Engagement. In L. Dulk & T. Lippe (eds.), National Reports for WP2 Quality Deliverables (Deliverable 2.3. - March 2008). Utrecht: Utrecht University, 131-150.
  92. Taipale, S. (2008) ”Mobiliteettien sosiologiaa ja synkkiä tulevaisuuskuvia”, Kirja-arvostelu John Urryn teoksesta Mobilities. Sosiologia, 45 (4), 368–369.
  93. Taipale, S. (2007) The Mobile Phone: Is it an Urban Phenomenon? In R. Pertierra (ed.), The Social Construction and Usage of Communication Technologies: Asian and European Experiences. Diliman, Quezon City: The University of the Philippines Press, 82-99.
  94. Taipale, S. (2007) Technologies of Body and Soul. Book Review of “Transforming Technologies: Altered Selves - Mobile Phone and Internet Use in the Philippines” by Raul Pertierra. Plaridel: A Journal of Philippine Communication, Media, and Society, 4 (2), 163-168. (reprint)
  95. Taipale, S. (2006) Book Review of “Transforming Technologies: Altered Selves - Mobile Phone and Internet Use in the Philippines” by Raul Pertierra. Philippine Sociological Review, 54, 106-108. (reprint)
  96. Taipale, S. (2006) The Mobile Phone, Disorder and Moral Panic: The Hybridization of Communication Culture in Nigeria. In M. Järvelä & K. Kuvaja (eds.) Flows of Tranformation. Social Orders and Sustainable Development in the South. Working Papers of Department of Social Sciences and Philosophy (111), University of Jyväskylä, 133-158.
  97. Järvelä, M., Battaglini, E., Goebel, B. & Taipale, S. (2006) Thematic Report: The Human Factor in Technology, Globalisation, and Environmental Issues. HERA Deliverables, 6.2.1.
  98. Taipale, S. (2006) Ruumiin ja sielun teknologiat. Kirja-arvostelu Raul Pertierran teoksesta “Transforming Technologies: Altered Selves - Mobile Phone and Internet Use in the Philippines”. Tiedepolitiikka, 31 (3), 60–61.
  99. Taipale, S. & Hirvonen, H. (2006) National Report Finland: Socio-Economic Trends and Welfare Policies. In S. Kovacheva (ed.), Quality Deliverables. Utrecht: Utrecht University, 135-170.
  100. Taipale, S. & Hirvonen, H. (2006). National Report Finland: Socio-Economic Trends and Welfare Policies. In M.Veldhoen, A. van Doorne-Huiskes, J. Schippers, L.den Dulk and T. van der Lippe (eds.), National Reports on Socio-economic Trends and Welfare Policies. Utrecht: Utrecht University, 135–170.
  101. Taipale, S. (2005) Syöksykierrettä ja sosiaalipolitiikkaa. Manuel Castellsin näkemyksiä hyvinvointivaltiosta. Teoksessa J. Saari (toim.) Hyvinvointivaltio: Suomen mallia analysoimassa. Helsinki: Yliopistopaino, 205–227.
  102. Taipale, S. (2005) The Cell Phone. Is it an Urban Phenomenom? The 9th World Multi-conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Volume VII.
  103. Taipale, S. (2005) Book Review of “Transforming Technologies: Altered Selves. Mobile Phone and Internet Use in the Philippines” by Raul Pertierra. Pilipinas, (44), 80–83.
  104. Taipale, S. (2005) Liikkuvuus teknologisissa kulttuureissa. Kirja-arvostelu P. F. Petersin teoksesta Time, Innovation and Mobilities, Sosiologia (43)3: 248–249.
  105. Taipale, S. (2004) Alternative Mobilities: Comparing the Impact of Mobile Phones and Automobiles on Health and the Environment. Pre-proceedings. International Workshop on Mobile Technologies and Health: Benefits and Risks. Udine, Italy, 7-8 June, 2004.

    Scientic books  
  106. Taipale, S. (2019) Intergenerational Connections in Digital Families. Springer: Cham. 
  107. Taipale, S., Wilska, T.-A. & Gilleard, C. (eds.) (2018) Digital technologies and generational identity: ICT usage across the life course. London: Routledge.
  108. Vincent, J., Taipale, S, Sapio, B., Lugano, G. & Fortunati, L. (eds.) (2015) Social Robots from a Human Perspective. Springer: London. 
  109. Saari, J., Taipale, S. & Kainulainen, S. (toim.) (2013) Hyvinvointivaltion moderneja klassikoita. A-Sarja: Tutkimuksia. Helsinki: Diak 

    Publications intended for professional communities
  110. Tammelin, M., Taipale, S., & Hirvonen, H. (2018) Vanhustyön digitalisaatio: työntekijät teknologian kehittäjiksi. Vanhustyö, 8-9.
  111. Taipale, S. (2008) Työn imu ja työelämän laatu. Mitä kuuluu, Keski-Suomen Sairaanhoitopiirin henkilöstölehti, 2.
  112. Taipale, S. (2007) Sairaanhoitopiirin elämänlaatu puntarissa. Mitä kuuluu, Keski-Suomen Sairaanhoitopiirin henkilöstölehti, (6), 6. 
    Publications intended for the general public
  113. Taipale, S., Jakonen, m. & Parviainen, T., (2022) Kuinka referee kesytetään? Vertaisarviointiprosessi ja palautteeseen vastaaminen. JYU Avoimen tiedon keskus.
  114. Taipale, S. (2022) Nopeammin, korkeammalle, digimmin. Kirjoituksia blogi. Ikänstituutti. 
  115. Taipale, S. & Fortunati, L. (2014) Mobile phone use reflects the development of new social stratifications across European countries. The LSE’s European Politics and Policy Blog.  



  116. Taipale, S. (2009) Transformative Technologies, Spatial Changes. Essays on Mobile Phones and the Internet. Academic Dissertation. Jyväskylä Studies in Education, Psychology and Social Research, No. 362. University of Jyväskylä. (Artikkeliväitöskirja)
  117. Taipale, S. (2002) Tietotyö, pitkät työajat ja elämäntyylit (Knowledge work, long working hours and life styles). Yhteiskuntapolitiikan pro-gradu –tutkielma (Master’s thesis).

    Audiovisual material, ICT software
  118. Taipale, S. & Anttila, T. (2008) Social Quality Instrument. Developed as part of Quality of Life in a Changing Europe FP7-funded EU project coordinated by prof. Tanja van der Lippe, the University of Utrecht. Available at: