Bibliography on De spermate

C. Burnett, 'The Chapter on the Spirits in the Pantegni of Constantine the African, C. Burnett - D. Jacquart, eds., Constantine the African and Ali ibn al-Abbas al-Magusi. The Pantegni and Related Texts. Leiden 1994, 99-120.

F. Kudlien, 'The Seven Cells of the Uterus: The Doctrine and its Roots', Bulletin of the History of Medicine 39/1965, 415-423.

O. Merisalo,  'Regionalism and Interregionalism in the Production of Mss.: the case of BAV, Vat. Pal. Lat. 1298', Miscellanea Bibliothecae Apostolicae Vaticanae 13/2006, 493-517.

O. Merisalo, 'Transition and Continuity in Medical Manuscripts (thirteenth-fifteenth centuries)', J. Hamesse - J. Meirinhos, eds. Continuity and Disruption. Textes et études du Moyen Age 48. Louvain-la-Neuve 2008, 25-35.

 O. Merisalo, 'Les voies de diffusion des textes médicaux au Moyen Âge : l'exemple du De spermate pseudo-galénien, XIIe-XVe siècle', Gazette du livre médiéval 52-53/2008, 45-50.

 O. Merisalo, 'In horis sanguinis. Physiology and generation in the Pseudo-Galenic De spermate', B. Tikkanen - A. Butters - L. Aunio, eds. Purvaparaprajñbhinandanam. Studies in honour of Klaus Karttunen. Studia Orientalia 110.  Helsinki 2011, 231-242. 

O. Merisalo, 'Currunt manus, psallunt homoeoteleuta. Transmitting medical texts in the late Middle Ages: the case of De spermate', I. Volt, ed. Quattuor lustra. Acts of the Tartu conference, December 2010.  Acta Societatis Morgensternianae IV-V.  Tartu 2012,  245-256.

O. Merisalo, 'Il codice Vat. Urb. lat. 246 e la tradizione testuale del de spermate pseudogaleniano', P. Cherubini - G. Nicolaj, edd. Sit liber gratus, quem servulus est operatus. Studi in onore di Alessandro Pratesi per il suo 90° compleanno 1.  Littera Antiqua 19.  Città del Vaticano 2012, 579-585. 

O. Merisalo, 'The early tradition of the Pseudo-Galenic De spermate (twelfth-thirteenth centuries)', Scripta 5/2012, 43-

O. Merisalo, 'La trasmissione del De spermate pseudo-Galenico', Medicina nei secoli.  Arte e scienza.  Journal of History of Medicine  25.3/2013, 927-940.

O. Merisalo, 'Scripsi manu mea. Hartmann Schedel in Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, clm 490', Ars et humanitas VIII.2/2014, 119-130, DOI:

O. Merisalo, 'Liber Hartmanni Schedel Nurembergensis artium utriusque medicine doctoris. Histoire de quelques textes de la bibliothèque de Hartmann Schedel de Nuremberg (1440-1514)', D. Poirel - C. Giraud, éds. La rigueur et la passion. Mélanges en l'honneur de Pascale Bourgain.  IPM 71.  Turnhout 2016, 821-830,

O. Merisalo, 'La fortune du De spermate dans les éditions imprimées de Galien du XVIe au XVIIe',C. Petit - S. Swain - K.D. Fischer -  C. Burnett, eds.  Pseudo-Galenica.  The Formation of the Galenic Corpus from Antiquity to the Renaissance. Warburg Institute Colloquia (forthcoming). 

O. Merisalo - P. Pahta, 'Tracing the Trail of Transmission': the Pseudo-Galenic De spermate in Latin', M. Goyens - P. De Leemans - A. Smets, eds., Science Translated. Latin and Vernacular Translations of Scientific Treatises in Medieval Europe.  Mediaevalia Lovaniensia 40. Leuven 2008, 81-94.

V. Nutton, ‘Greek Medical Astrology and the Boundaries of Medicine’, A.Akasoy – C. Burnett – R. Yoeli-Tlalim, eds. Astro-Medicine. Astrology and Medicine, East and West.  Micrologus' Library 25.  Firenze 2008.

P. Pahta, Medieval Embryology in the Vernacular. The Case of De spermate. Mémoires de la Société Néophilologique de Helsinki 53. Helsinki 1998.

T. Pesenti, 'Studio dei farmaci e produzione di commenti nell'Università di arti e medicina di Padova nel primo ventennio del Trecento', Annali di storia delle università italiane 3/1999, 61-78.

I. Taavitsainen – P. Pahta – M. Mäkinen, eds., Middle English Medical Texts. CD-ROM. Amsterdam - Philadelphia 2005.

I. Taavitsainen – P. Pahta, Medical and Scientific Writing in Late Medieval English. Cambridge 2004.

M.T. Tavormina, ed., Sex, Aging, and Death in a Medieval Medical Compendium. Trinity College Cambridge R.14.52, Its Texts, Language, and Scribe, Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studies 292. Tempe, AR 2006.  
