Selected publications


Alanen, Leena 1988. Growing up on the modern family. Rethinking socialization, the family and childhood. In Ekberg, Karin & Mjaavatn, Per Egil (eds) Growing into a modern world. Proceedings of an International Interdisciplinary Conference on the Life and Development of Children in Modern Society, Vol. II.

Alanen, Leena 1988. Rethinking childhood. Acta Sociologica, 31(1).

Alanen, Leena 1988. The social construction of childhood: Towards a history and theory of childhood constructs. In: European Centre for Social Welfare Training and Research (ed.) Canadian Seminar on Childhood - Implications for Child Care Policies. Gananoque, Ontario, Canada.

Alanen, Leena 1989. Von kleinen und von grossen Menschen. Plädoyer für eine Soziologie der Kindheit. Das Argument. Zeitschrift für Philosophie und Sozialwissenschaften 173, 1989.

Alanen, Leena 1990. Rethinking socialization, the family and childhood. In Adler, P.A. & Adler, P. & Mandell, N. (eds): Sociological Studies of Child Development, Vol. 3. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.

Alanen, Leena 1990. Childhood as a social construct. Toward a sociology of childhood. In Featherstone, Mike (ed.) Proceedings of the 1st International Conference ‘The future of adult life’.Middlesbrough: Teesside Polytechnic, Centre of the Study of Adult Life.

Alanen, Leena & Bardy Marjatta 1991. Childhood as a Social Phenomenon. Country Report for Finland. Eurosocial Report 36/7. Vienna: European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research.

Alanen, Leena 1992. Modern childhood? Exploring the 'child question' in sociology. Jyväskylä: University of Jyväskylä, Institute for Educational research. Publication Series A: Research Reports 50.

Alanen, Leena 1994. Zur Theorie der Kindheit. Die "Kinderfrage" in den Sozialwissenschaften. Sozialwissenschaftliche Literatur Rundschau, Jg. 17, Heft 28.

Alanen, Leena 1994. Gender and generation: feminism and 'the child question'. In Qvortrup, J. et als (eds): Childhood matters. Social theory, practice and politics. Avebury: Aldershot.

Alanen, Leena 1995. Childhood and modernization. In The Future of Childhood Research. Reports of ESRC Seminar Series 'Childhood and Society'. London: University of London, Institute of Education.

Alanen, Leena 1997. Children and the family order: Constraints and competences. In Hutchby, I. and J. Moran-Ellis (eds) Children and social competence: Arenas of action. London: Falmer Press.

Alanen, Leena 1997. Childhood research and the politics of growing up. Childhood. A global journal of child research, 4(2).

Alanen, Leena 1997. Soziologie der Kindheit als Projekt: Perspektiven für die Forschung. Zeitschrift für Sozialisationsforschung und Erziehungssoziologie, Jg. 17, Heft 1.

Alanen, Leena 1997. Children and the family order: Constraints and competences. In Hutchby, I. and J. Moran-Ellis (eds) Children and social competence: Arenas of action. London: Falmer Press.

Alanen, Leena 1998. Social politics and generational relations: Child policy in a Nordic landscape. In Qvortrup, J. (ed.) Childhood and Children's Cultures. International Conference, May 30-June 2, 1997, Esbjerg (DK). Esbjerg: University Centre of South Jutland.

Alanen, Leena 2000. Women's Studies/Childhood Studies: parallels, links and perspectives. In Mason, J. & Wilkinson, M. (eds): Taking Children Seriously. Sydney: CYPRU, University of Western Sydney.

Alanen, Leena & Mayall, Berry (eds) 2001. Conceptualizing child-adult relations. London: RoutledgeFalmer.

Alanen, Leena 2001. Explorations in generational analysis. In Alanen, L. and B. Mayall (eds): Conceptualizing child-adult relations. London: RoutledgeFalmer.

Alanen, Leena 2001. Childhood as a generational condition: children's daily lives in a central Finland town. In Alanen, L. and B. Mayall  (eds): Conceptualizing child-adult relations. London: RoutledgeFalmer.

Alanen, Leena 2001. Estudos feministas/Estudos da infãncia: paralelos, ligacões e perspectivas. In Rabello de Castro, L. (ed.) Criancas & jovéns na construcão da cultura. Rio de Janeiro: NAU.

Alanen, Leena 2001. Reflexivity and the social study of childhood. Tidskrift for børne- & ungdomskultur, No. 43.

Alanen, Leena 2002. Women's Studies - Childhood Studies; Anknüpfungspunkte, Parallelen und Perspektiven. Olympe: Feministische Arbeitshefte zur Politik, Heft 16, Zürich.

Alanen, Leena 2003. Childhoods: The generational ordering of social relations. In: Mayall, B. and H. Zeiher (eds) Childhood in generational perspective. London: University of London, Institute of Education.

Alanen, Leena 2004. Developments, omissions and challenges in researching childhood from a European welfare perspective. In: Hantrais, L. and D. Kutsar (eds) Researching family and childhood from a European welfare perspective. Cross-National Research Papers, Seventh Series: European Cross-National Research and Policy, Seminar 4.

Alanen, Leena 2004. Theorizing children's welfare. WELLCHI Network Seminar 1: New perspectives on childhood. University of Leeds (UK).

Alanen, Leena 2004. L’infanzia come concetto generazionale In: Hengst, H. and Zeiher, H. (ed.) Per una sociologia d’infanzia. Milano: Franco Agneli.

Alanen, Leena 2005. Women’s Studies/Childhood Studies: Parallels, links and perspectives. In: Mason, J. & Fattore, T. (eds) Children taken seriously in theory, practice and policy. London: Jessica Kingsley.

Alanen, Leena 2005. Kindheit als generationales Konzept. In  Hengst, H. & Zeiher, H. (Hrsg.) Kindheit soziologisch. Wiesbaden: Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.

Alanen, Leena & Kiili, Johanna & Kuukka, Anu & Lehtonen, Anja-Riitta. 2005. Health, well-being and children's agency In Rautalahti, Matti & Laivisto, Virve (eds) Gems of the Health Promotion Research Programme. Helsinki: The Cancer Society of Finland.

Wintersberger, Helmut & Alanen, Leena & Olk, Thomas & Qvortrup, Jens. (eds) 2007. Childhood, generational order and the welfare state: Exploring children's social and economic welfare. Vol. 1 of COST A19: Children's Welfare. Odense: University Press of Southern Denmark.

Wintersberger, Helmut & Alanen, Leena & Olk, Thomas & Qvortrup, Jens 2007. Introduction. In Wintersberger, Helmut & Alanen, Leena & Olk, Thomas & Qvortrup, Jens (eds) Childhood, generational order and the state: Exploring children's social and economic welfare. Vol. 1 of COST A19: Children's Welfare. Odense: University Press of Southern Denmark.

Alanen, Leena 2007. Theorizing children's welfare. In Wintersberger, Helmut & Alanen, Leena & Olk, Thomas & Qvortrup, Jens (eds) Childhood, Generational Order and the Welfare State: Exploring Children's Social and Economic Welfare. Vol. 1 of COST A19: Children's Welfare. Odense: University Press of Southern Denmark.

Alanen, Leena 2009. Generational order. In Qvortrup, Jens & Corsaro, William A. & Honig, Michael-Sebastian (eds) Handbook in Childhood Studies. Houndsmill, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Alanen, Leena 2009. Rethinking childhood, with Bourdieu. In: Markström. A.-M., Simonsson, M., Söderlind, I. & Änggård, E. (red.) Barn, barndom och föräldraskap. Stockholm: Carlssons.

Alanen, Leena 2011. Teoria do bem-estar das criancas. Cadernos de Pesquisa. Revista Quadrimestal, V. 41, N. 141.
Alanen, Leena & Siisiäinen, Martti (eds) 2011. Fields and capitals. Constructing local life. Jyväskylä: Finnish Institute for Educational Research.

Siisiäinen, Martti & Alanen, Leena. Introduction: Researching local life in a Bourdieusian frame. In Alanen, Leena & Siisiäinen, Martti (eds) Fields and capitals. Constructing local life. Jyväskylä: Finnish Institute for Educational Research.

Alanen, Leena 2011. Capitalizing on family: Habitus and belonging. In Alanen, Leena & Siisiäinen, Martti (eds) Fields and capitals. Constructing local life. Jyväskylä: Finnish Institute for Educational Research.