
Project-related publications


O. Merisalo - M. Kuha - S. Niiranen, eds. Transmission of Knowledge in the Late Middle Ages and the Renaissance.  Bibliologia 53. Turnhout 2019.

Lorenzo Amato


'"Nobil desio d'honore". A proposito di alcuni madrigali sul calcio in livrea di Giovan Battista Strozzi il Giovane', I. Becherucci - C. Bianca, edd.  Storia, tradizione e critica dei testi. Per Giuliano Tanturli 1. Quaderni Per Leggere 19. Lecce 2017, 11-22.

'Orchi, mostri e ninne-nanne. Tradizione umanistica e folclore in alcuni madrigali inediti di Giovan Battista Strozzi il Vecchio, Per leggere 32.1/2017, 9-30.

’Nuovi appunti sulla tradizione manoscritta di Giovan Battista Strozzi il Vecchio.  Fisionomia ed evoluzione del corpus delle Rime’, Medioevo e Rinascimento 30 n.s.  27/2016, 259-308.

'Il madrigale di Giovan Battista Strozzi il Vecchio: dalle serie manoscritte al ‘canzoniere’ a stampa, Medioevo e Rinascimento, 29, n.s. 26/2015, 181-214.

'Appunti sulla tradizione delle rime di Giovan Battista Strozzi il Vecchio. I manoscritti monografici',  Medioevo e Rinascimento 28 n.s. 25/2014, 149-183. 
'Le arguzie dei curiali e la Roma dei papi nella prima metà del Quattrocento', Roma nel Rinascimento 2014, 59-80. 


'Le corone di madrigali a Firenze dopo Giovan Battista Strozzi il Vecchio. Profilo socio-codicologico di un genere lirico fiorentino',Transmission of Knowledge in the Late Middle Ages and the Renaissance.  Final colloquium of the Tralmar project, Rome 26-27 July 2017.  

'Gli "amori coniugali" di Giovan Battista Strozzi il Vecchio.   A proposito di Pontano e altre presenze umanistiche nelle Rime strozziane', Tralmar Workshop, Oxford 25-26 August 2016., 

'Giovan Battista Strozzi the Elder and the Society of Manuscript Madrigals', Tralmar workshop, Wolfenbüttel 27-28 August 2015


'Giovan Battista Strozzi the Elder (1504-1571) and the Poetic Madrigal in Cinquecento Italy',  Groupe d'Études sur les XVIe et XVIIe siècles et la Fondation Barbier-Mueller, University of Geneva, 26 February 2015. 


'Giovan Battista Strozzi il Vecchio, dai Madrigali alle Rime. Per una nuova interpretazione del corpus poetico strozziano sulla base dei testimoni manoscritti', Department of Italian studies, University of Geneva, 26 February 2015.

'The Social World of Giovan Battista Strozzi the Elder's Madrigal', RSA Annual Conference, Humboldt University, Berlin, 28 March 2015 
'Giovan Battista Strozzi il Vecchio. Dai Madrigali alle Rime', University of Kyoto-Kyodai, 28 December 2014.

Joëlle Ducos


'De la glose à la parenthèse. Traduire Végèce en français au XVIe siècle', Transmission of Knowledge in the Late Middle Ages and the Renaissance.  Final colloquium of the Tralmar project, Rome 26-27 July 2017
'Végèce en français 1450-1550', Tralmar Workshop, Paris 14-15 November 2014.

Miika Kuha


Transmission of Knowledge in Venetian Fourteenth-Century Chronicles. Jyväskylä Studies in Arts 334.  Diss. Jyväskylä 2017.


'Un altro testo da recuperare: la Cronica attribuita a Benintendi de' Ravagnani', Equilibri adriatici (forthcoming in 2017).

'The early circulation of Andrea Dandolo’s Chronica per extensum descripta in the light of the ms. Turin, Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, J.IV.7 1', Renaessanceforum 11/2016, 1-18.

'Note intorno alla tradizione manoscritta di Chronica Venetiarum di Benintendi de’ Ravagnani', Arctos.  Acta Philologica Fennica 46/2013, 79-94.



'The Reception of Humanist Historiography in Venice. Simultaneous copying of the De gestis, moribus et nobilitate civitatis Venetiarum by Lorenzo de’ Monaci at the beginning of the sixteenth century', Transmission of Knowledge in the Late Middle Ages and the Renaissance.  Final colloquium of the Tralmar project, Rome 26-27 July 2017.

'The practice of history writing in fourteenth-century Venice. Remarks on the ms. Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Ham. 196', Seventh Book Historical Week, Tralmar/SLRC, University of Jyväskylä, 19 March 2016.

'Some Remarks on the Transmission of the Venetian Fourteenth-Century Chronicles', Tralmar Workshop, Wolfenbüttel 27-28 August 2015.

'Venetsian keskiaikainen historiankirjoitus tutkimuskohteena', paper presented at the Meeting of the Greater Board of the Institutum Romanum Finlandiae Foundation, Helsinki 24 March 2015

'The Transmission of Benintendi de’ Ravagnani’s works', Tralmar Workshop, Paris 14-15 November 2014.

'Un altro testo da recuperare: la Cronica di Benintendi de’ Ravagnani', Equilibri adriatici. Venezia-Ungheria-Zara e la guerra del 1345–1346, L’Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, Venice, 13-14 February 2014.

Jakub Kujawinski


'Constructing historical knowledge, inventing historical method. The evidence of medieval commentaries and glosses on historical writings, E. Kooper - S. Levelt, eds. Medieval Chronicle 12.  Leiden (forthcoming in 2018).

'Spigolature salernitane. Note intorno al patrimonio librario della Salerno medievale a partire da alcuni codici con cronache, M. Bassetti -  D. Solvi, eds. Biblioteche medievali d'Italia.  Galluzzo  (forthcoming in 2018)

'O wartości dawnych tłumaczeń wernakularnych dla constiutio tekstu łacińskiego: przypadek tak zwanej Historia Sicula',  M. Dorna -  M. Sosnowski, eds. Stilo et animo. Prace historyczne ofiarowane Tomaszowi Jasińskiemu w 65. rocznicę urodzin. Poznań 2016, 139-148.

'Commenting on historical writings in medieval Latin Europe. A reconnaissance', Acta Poloniae Historica 112 (2015), 159-200.

'Commentare storici nell’Italia meridionale del XIV secolo. Intorno alle glosse presenti nel ms. BAV, Vat. lat. 5001, L. Capo - A. Ciaralli, edd.  Per ricordare Enzo. Atti della giornata di studi
 in memoria di Vincenzo Matera (Roma, 4 maggio 2012).   Reti Medievali E-book 25.  Firenze 2015, 131-169.
'Komentowanie historiografii w średniowiecznej Europie. Próba charakterystyki zjawiska na postawie wybranych zabytków z obszaru Europy romańskiej XI-XV w'',  A. Dąbrówka -  M. Olszewski, ed. Komentarz Jana z Dąbrówki do Kroniki biskupa Wincentego.  Warszawa 2015, 105-134.

'Verso un quadro più completo della produzione storiografica del mezzogiorno angioino.  Presentazione del progetto ”Mare historiarum” e alcune considerazioni sul manoscritto BAV, Vat. lat. 1860’, G. Alfano - E. Grimaldi - S. Martelli - A. Mazzucchi - M. Palumbo -  A. Perriccioli Saggese - C.  Vecce, eds.   Boccaccio e Napoli. Nuovi materiali per la storia culturale di Napoli nel Trecento.  Atti del Convegno "Boccaccio angioino.Per il VII centenario della nascita di Giovanni Boccaccio", Napoli-Salerno, 23-25 ottobre 2013. Quaderni della Rassegna 95.  Firenze 2015, 387-404.


'Found in Translation. Vernacular translations from the MS Paris, BnF, fr. 688, as witnesses of lost texts and manuscripts, Transmission of Knowledge in the Late Middle Ages and the Renaissance.  Final colloquium of the Tralmar project, Rome 26-27 July 2017.

'Transmitting, constructing, and questioning historical knowledge in the Middle Ages. The evidence of manuscripts", poster and presentation at the Limits of knowledge Humboldt-Kolleg, Cracow, 22-25 June 2017

'Graphical and textual peculiarities of the oldest witness of the Historia Sicula (BAV, Vat. lat. 6206)', Eighth Book Historical Week, 17 March 2017, Jyväskylä
'Średniowieczny kodeks rękopiśmienny jako złożony obiekt historyczny. Uwagi na temat metody analizy książki rękopiśmiennej ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem miscellaneów', Textus et pictura. Średniowieczny kodeks rękopiśmienny jako nośnik treści, znaczeń i wartości artystycznych, Toruń, 26-27 January 2017

'Final remarks on the forthcoming bilingual edition of the Historia Sicula', Tralmar Workshop, Oxford 25-26 August 2016.

'Deixis in medieval historical writings through processes of copying, re-writing and translating', Seventh Book Historical Week, Tralmar/SLRC, University of Jyväskylä, 19 March 2016.

'Historical culture of medieval Southern Italy: the evidence of selected manuscripts from the Angevin period', Department of Philosophy, History, Culture and Art Studies, University of Helsinki, 3 March 2016.

'Le projet d’une édition intégrale et bilingue du recueil des traductions françaises des chroniques latines du ms. BnF, fr. 688', Autour de l’édition de sources littéraires au Moyen Âge. Séminaire de recherche du Centre Michel de Boüard – CRAHAM, Université de Caen, 11 December 2015.

'Geschichten am Rande. Glossing on historical writings in the Middle Ages', Tralmar Workshop, Wolfenbüttel 27-28 August 2015.
'History of Book and Books of History, sive de nuptiis...', research seminar, Sixth book historical week, Jyväskylä 21 March 2015.
'Quand les deterrimi deviennent les optimi. Vers une édition intégrale et bilingue du recueil des traductions du ms. BnF, fr. 688', Tralmar Workshop, Paris 14-15 November 2014.

Outi Merisalo


'Memoria uberior. La bibliothèque de Hartmann Schedel de Nuremberg', J. Ducos, éd. Les sciences et le livre.  Formes des écrits scientifiques des débuts de l'imprimé à l'époque moderne.  Paris 2017, 63-72.

S. Fortuna - O. Merisalo, 'The first Latin translation of Sextus Empiricus, Outlines of Pyrrhonism (I)', Scripta 10/2017, 57-67.

'Manuscrits de médecine à la Bibliothèque du Collège de Sorbonne. Le cas du traité pseudo-galénique De spermate',  T. Germ - N. Kavcic, eds. Litterae pictae. Scripta varia in honorem Nataša Golob septuagesimum annum feliciter complentis. Ljubljana 2017, 225-234.

'Ludwig Traube and Philology', H. Lönnroth, ed. Philology Matters!  Essays on the Art of Reading Slowly.  Leiden 2017, 182-196.

'Baldassarre Turini, funzionario e mecenate', F. Cantatore et al., Leone X. Finanza, mecenatismo, cultura. Atti del convegno internazionale Roma, 2-4 novembre 2015.  Roma nel Rinascimento inedita. Saggi 69.  Roma 2016, 237-246.

'Liber Hartmanni Schedel Nurembergensis artium utriusque medicine doctoris. Histoire de quelques textes de la bibliothèque de Hartmann Schedel de Nuremberg (1440-1514)', D. Poirel - C. Giraud, éds. La rigueur et la passion. Mélanges en l'honneur de Pascale Bourgain.  IPM 71.  Turnhout 2016, 821-830. 

'I codici in scrittura latina di Alessandro Farnese a Caprarola e al Palazzo della Cancelleria nel 1589', Progressus 3.1/2016, 192-206.

'Les cinq sens chez Niccolò Falcucci', É. Palazzo, éd. Les cinq sens au Moyen Âge.  Paris 2016, 721-729.

'Scripsi manu mea. Hartmann Schedel in Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, clm 490', Ars et humanitas 8.2/2014, 119-130, DOI:

'Translating the Classics into the vernacular in sixteenth-century Italy', Renaissance Studies 29.1/2015, 55-77, DOI: 10.1111/rest.12114

'La trasmissione del De spermate pseudo-Galenico', Medicina nei secoli.  Arte e scienza.  Journal of History of Medicine 25.3/2013, 927-940.

'Galien, de l'Orient à l'Occident', É. Vallet -  S. Aube - T. Kouarné, éds. Lumières de la sagesse. Écoles médiévales d’Orient et d’Occident. Paris 2013, 353-357. 


'Iam nouus in terras alto descendit Olympo Iuppiter. Patronage and propaganda in the time of Leo X (1513-1521)', Humanities Forum, Claremont Graduate University, Claremont, CA, 23 February 2017.

'Libraries that have changed the world. History of the Bibliotheca Apostolica Vaticana, the Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana and the Bibliothèque Nationale de France', Late Antiquity/Medieval Studies program (LAMS), Claremont Graduate University, Claremont, CA, 20 February 2017.

'Medical manuscripts in the medieval library of the College of Sorbonne',Tralmar Workshop, Oxford 25-26 August 2016.
'Paratext in the manuscripts of Hartmann Schedel', Inscribing Knowledge on the Page. Sciences, Tradition, Transmission and Subversion in the Medieval Book.  Conference organised at Le Studium, Orléans, 7-9 June 2016.
'Léon X, un Médicis sur le trône de Saint Pierre (1513-1521). Mécénat, propagande, culture et conflits', Conférences de Transitions, Université de Liège, 15 March 2016.
'Hartmann Schedel and Italian Humanism', Cultural Encounter, workshop at the Danish Academy at Rome, 26-27 January 2016
'Humanismusrezeption im Königreich Schweden im 16. Jahrhundert', Wanderprediger und Leuchtturm des neuen Glaubens. Bücher, Leben und Wirken des Barther Reformators Johannes Block (1470/80 - 1544).  Niederdeutsches Bibelzentrum, Barth, 25.-26.9.2015
'Medical manuscripts and prints in Hartmann Schedel’s library', Tralmar Workshop, Wolfenbüttel, 27-28 August 2015

'La fortune du De spermate dans les éditions imprimées de Galien du XVe au XVIIe s.', Pseudo-Galenic Texts and the Formation of the Galenic Corpus.  A colloquium organised by the University of Warwick, the Institute of Classical Studies, UCL, the Wellcome Trust and the Warburg Institute, London 14-15 May 2015. 

'Le biblioteche manoscritte di Alessandro Farnese (1520-1589) a Caprarola e al Palazzo della Cancelleria', La paideia degli umanisti.  Studi di filologia e paleografia in onore di Lucia Gualdo Rosa, Rome 27-28 febbraio 2015


'La biblioteca di Hartmann Schedel (1440-1514) di Norimberga', CISLAB Università di Siena, 25 February 2015
'Galeni perplurimi. Trasmissione di testi di medicina antica (e non) alla fine del medioevo e nel Rinascimento', CISLAB Università di Siena, 23 February 2015
'To be or not to be Galen? Complications in the passage from manuscript to print for De spermate', Tralmar Workshop, Paris 14-15 November 2014

 Samu Niskanen


B. Goebel -  S. Niskanen - S. Sønnesyn, hg. - B. Goebel, üb. - B. Goebel - S. Niskanen, Einl., Ralph von Battle, Dialoge zur philosophischen Theologie. Lateinisch - Deutsch.  Herders Bibliothek d. Philo. d. Mittelalters 2. Reihe 37. Freiburg 2015.


'The treatises of Ralph of Battle’, Journal of Medieval Latin 26/2016,199-225.

 Review of S.N. Vaughn, Archbishop Anselm 1093–1109, Bec Missionary, Canterbury Primate, Patriarch of Another World, Ashgate, 2012Journal of Ecclesiastical History 65/2013, 169–172


'Peregrinatio Antiochie per Vrbanum papam facta, part II. Its transmission and publication', Transmission of Knowledge in the Late Middle Ages and the Renaissance.  Final colloquium of the Tralmar project, Rome 26-27 July 2017.

'Early-modern audiences of Anselm's letters', Tralmar Workshop, Oxford 25-26 August 2016.

‘Abbot Anselm and his priories’, Reading Anselm. Context and Criticism, Boston College, 27–30 July 2015 

 ‘William of Malmesbury as a collector of Anselm’s works’, William of Malmesbury and his legacy, University of Oxford, 3–5 July 2015

'Manuscript evidence and the identification of medieval works: the oeuvre of Ralph the monk', research seminar, Sixth book historical week, Jyväskylä 21 March 2015
‘Was Anselm “an indifferent housekeeper”’, Medieval Seminar, University of Eastern Anglia, 24 November 2014 (invited speaker)

‘The so-called Gesta Francorum: its transmission, title, and reception’, Tralmar Workshop, Paris 14-15 November 2014.
‘The interrelationship between Gesta Francorum and related texts’, Textual Trails. Transmissions of Oral and Written Texts, ESTS Conference 2014, 30 October 2014

‘Southern and Anselm’s Letters’, R.W. Southern. Anselm’s Biographer, Blackfriars, University of Oxford, 25 October 2014 (invited speaker)